Care coordination is a vital element for value-based care, and it's here to stay. For now, Fee For Service (FFS) models grant payments through a growing family of codes. Here's a quick look at the codes available:
Chronic Care Management
99490 CCM 20 minutes
99487 Complex 60 minutes
99489 Complex Additional 30 minutes
G0511 CCM for RHC/FQHC Facilities
Annual Wellness Visits
G0402 IPPE
G0403 EKG for IPPE
G0404 EKG tracing for IPPE
G0405 EKG interpret & report for IPPE
G0438 Initial AWV
G0439 Subsequent AWV
Transitional Care Management
99495 Normal
99496 Complex
Advance Care Planning
99497 First 30 minutes
99498 Each Additional 30 minutes
In future posts, we can look more deeply into these categories, and we can dive more deeply into caring for the aging population.
